Monday, January 3, 2022

Menu Plan Monday (Day 3/365)

Happy Monday everyone! I am running on tired today. Today is the kids' first day back to school from Christmas break and my alarm went off way too early this morning. In fact, it went off and I hit it off and fell back asleep for 20 minutes. Oops. Thankfully, I build in extra time in the morning for me before I have to get the kids up, so it wasn't that big of a deal. It just meant that I took a quicker than normal shower. All things worked out though and the kids were off to school. I did tell them that I wanted them to start wearing their masks again. Rebecca has been wearing hers at school, but the boys haven't. I know there is differences of opinions about whether masks work, but I am not taking a chance. I have a feeling that there is going to be a huge spike in the virus numbers in the next two weeks. 

As for me, I decided not to work today. I told my boss that I was still coughing and draining and felt like at least another day home was warranted. It is still the truth. This cold virus just does not want to go away. I didn't feel too guilty though since I am a sub and that means I can say no. 

I also wanted a day to get some cleaning done here that had been neglected over break. I menu planned this morning and went to the store to pick up what we would need for the week. I came home, put away the groceries, and started listening to The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz). 

I have been thinking a lot lately about studying the Bible more and I have had a couple different people recommend this podcast to me. Basically, Fr. Schmitz reads through parts of the Bible each day chronologically and then gives a short 5-10 minutes or so talk about the selection. Today I listened to the first 3 days for the year and listened to the story of Creation all the way up to the story of God telling Noah to build an ark. It was really interesting to hear an interpretation of sin and how and why the people of the world got to the point where they were being flooded out of the world. Also, interesting to start to understand some of the importance of the genealogy. 

After, I changed the sheets on our bed, dusted and swept our bedroom, hallway, stairs, living room and dining room. Between kids and the cats there were wrappers, dust, scraps of paper, etc. I also emptied the trash cans and basically blessed the house (like FlyLady recommends that we do). 

Then it was time for lunch (leftover chicken fajita filling, pineapple and cucumbers) and time to write on here before I have to start school pickups in the cold today! Oh well, it is winter so I should expect the cold temperatures. 

So, onto our menu for the week. I am going to try to document here what we will be eating. So, what are we eating this week? I am trying to get back into the habit of going to the grocery store on Tuesday, but we shall see how that goes, but that is why I have from Monday to Monday here this week.  

  • Monday: Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread (using up frozen buns in the freezer)
  • Tuesday: Chili and crackers
  • Wednesday: Ritz Cracker chicken, Velveeta shells and cheese, green beans
  • Thursday: Quesadillas, cucumbers and carrot chips
  • Friday: Frozen pizzas and fruit
  • Saturday: Chicken nuggets, corn and fruit for kids. Date night for Bill and I. 
  • Sunday: Baked pork chops with carrots and onions, Pasta-Roni pasta, green beans, crescent rolls
  • Monday: Chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese
So, there you have it. Combination of comfort food (spaghetti) and easy food (quesadillas) but it is also using up things that I have on hand and that is a good thing so that things don't go to waste. 

Well, I need to sign off here so that I can flip laundry before I have to start school pickups. How's your Monday going? Anyone else going back to school or work today? If so, how did that go? What are you eating this week?



  1. Don't feel guilty that's the whole point of being a sub so you can reserve the right to say no and not worry about it. (Though I know, I get the guilt when I say no sometimes as well). Your menu for the week sounds wonderful and you got quite a lot done today (some of us, ahem, haven't started yet other than laundry). Hope the first week back to school routines is a good one for you!

    1. I know I shouldn't feel guilty but you know exactly the type of guilt I am talking about. LOL Well, the routines may have to wait a bit longer as it is possible that Bill does have COVID after all.

  2. I am sorry you are still feeling under the weather. Hopefully it won't take too much longer to feel better.
    It is finally cold here so I planned a week of mostly soups.

    1. Soups sound good. I am trying to incorporate more into our diet but hubby doesn't care for too many so I can do 1 time a week without him complaining.

  3. Smart call staying home. I hope tomorrow is better. Your menu looks really nice.

  4. I can certainly sympathize with your feeling bad. I mostly sat here today. I sat in the car while Tommy went into Publix. When I walk, I walk like a drunk. But, when the med is done, I will feel better since this med makes me feel ill. With three kids, you need to not sub. When I subbed toward the end, I secretly hoped I only was called on M, T, and W. Otherwise, I would have to say no.

    1. I don't mind subbing, but with all of us being sick and still not 100% I really just want to stay home and get something done here. I hope you feel better soon.
