Sunday, January 2, 2022

Last day of Winter Break and books read (Day 2/365)

Happy Sunday everyone! Today is the last day of the kids' winter break and so alarm clocks will have to be set and we will be back into the craziness that is our lives. 

Thankfully today the boys and I are coughing much less. The boys are still draining a bit, but I don't see any reason for them NOT to go to school tomorrow. Rebecca still remains fine, and Bill was able to go to work this morning, so he was fever free. 

The kids and I went to mass this morning and then home to veg out. Well, veg out for the kids. I have been doing some laundry, did some dishes, paid some bills, updated a sheet that I use each year for bills, and now sitting down to read some blogs and write one out for today. It is another gloomy day here. We had some snow showers earlier. I need to refill my bird feeder on my porch, but the birds have been making do with the suet feeder. 

Yesterday I ended up reading an entire book! My first book of 2022 was The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar. 


It was a really good read. It is a fictional piece that focuses on the class system in India and how the nuances of womanhood and motherhood balance and don't balance that system. It was not a book that I would typically gravitate towards, but I would give it 4/5 stars. I ended up using a gift card to order the sequel on Amazon so that I can continue to read about the story of Bhima.  

My next book on tap is one that I received for Christmas. I decided to read Jodi Picoult's Wish You Were Here.

Well, I need to go start dinner and figure out the menu for the rest of the week. Tonight, we are having chicken fajitas. Sounds so good right now. 

What are you up to today? What are you eating this week? What are you reading this week? 


  1. That first book you've mentioned comes up for me from time to time on the skip the library line list, maybe I'll have to give it a try based on your review. We (thankfully) get one bonus day of break around here. I'm actually taking a minute as I had to come down here to the laptop and try to reload my current library book (hold just came up for me today) Friends Like These by Kimberly McCreight. I just read The Good Marriage and found it intriguing so wanted to read something else by her. Hope your return to routines goes well this week!

    1. I would recommend it. Like I said it wasn't something I would normally choose, but glad that I did. Decided to take a day off today instead of going back to work; one of the benefits of being a sub :)

  2. I've got book club in Saturday morning so will need to read and finish my book. Even though I worked two days last week, I'm dreading going Back. Not sure why. I hope you all feel healthy tomorrow.

    1. I get that dreading going back feeling. What book are you reading for your book club?

  3. Glad to read that everyone is starting to feel better. Your books sound very interesting! I currently have three going at the moment And...I've been craving that veggie pizza ever since you posted it at Christmas! Haha! Meal planning is a struggle for me sometimes.

    1. Meal planning stinks at times, doesn't it? That veggie pizza sure hit the spot. I will probably half the recipe next time though as 3 out of 5 of us decided that they didn't care for it. Silly husband and kids is what I say! LOL
