Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Year of Yes (Book Review) and COVID (Day 4/365)

Happy Tuesday everyone! I am home again today, as I have to be symptom free before I can go back to work. This is new guidelines throughout the school district. I can go back as long as I wear a mask and am symptom free. Well, I am still coughing and get out of breath easily so am not symptom free. I texted my mom this morning as I noticed her van wasn't at work. She tested positive for COVID last night. She got sick around the same time we did (right after Christmas) but it has hit her hard with headache, fever, etc. Bill is probably going to go get tested again today after work as he is still not feeling good. 4 of his coworkers that he works closely with all called off today due to being sick. I am feeling better but if he tests positive then I will look into getting tested tomorrow. All I have to say is COVID sucks.

Be that as it is, I have time to do a book review today! I had mentioned earlier that I was going to get back to doing book reviews and reading more. Well, I wanted to start with a book that I ended 2021 with reading. It was Shonda Rimes' Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person. 

I don't know that I would have picked this up in person, but this was the first book in the book club that I am involved in on Facebook. 

From the back cover: 

The mega-talented creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal and executive producer of How to Get Away With Murder chronicles how saying YES for one year changed her life―and how it can change yours, too.

With three hit shows on television and three children at home, the uber-talented Shonda Rhimes had lots of good reasons to say NO when an unexpected invitation arrived. Hollywood party? No. Speaking engagement? No. Media appearances? No.

And there was the side benefit of saying No for an introvert like Shonda: nothing new to fear.

Then Shonda’s sister laid down a challenge: just for one year, try to say YES to the unexpected invitations that come your way. Shonda reluctantly agreed―and the result was nothing short of transformative. In Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes chronicles the powerful impact saying Yes had on every aspect of her life―and how we can all change our lives with one little word. Yes.


I initially read this book not knowing a thing about who Shonda Rimes is. I also read this as it was the first book in a book club that I am involved in. However, I am so glad that I read this book. It was a wonderful read on a person overcoming her fears and freeing her life. I was pulled right in during the first 3 chapters when she describes her life as basically caught in a rut and never stepping out of her comfort zone. It was like she was describing my life. I won't give away everything that she has to offer in the book, however I will say that she gives hope that if you change one or two things--- by saying yes to things that scare you-- then life will be better. 

My overall grade for this book is 4 stars out of 5. I would have given it 5 stars, but she is a bit wordy, and she is bragging about things during some points. 

Have you ever read this book? If so, what did you think of it? 


  1. I'll mark this one for my non fiction list. I wouldn't have known anything about her without your summary.

  2. I remember enjoying this book quite a bit more than I expected. Your review seems on target, as much as I enjoyed it, there were things I remember I couldn't quite relate to myself and obviously, her budget and life are very different from my own. Still found it a worthwhile read though. And I'm sorry Covid is making its rounds through your family again, so much of it out there. I'm actually taking my 17 year old for a test through the school district at 1 today because he woke up with a scratchy throat and doesn't feel well. My oldest still has symptoms & husband started feeling bad last night. I'm the only one still standing in our household. Hope everyone in your house feels better very soon (and that your tests are negative!)

  3. Here's hoping you feel better very soon, and you all have as quick & easy of a recovery as possible!
