Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday #13

In an effort to lose 40 lbs over the course of the next year (by July 28, 2015) I have decided to have a weekly accountability forum here on my blog. Every Wednesday I will be posting a "Weigh In Wednesday" post where I will post my weight taken that morning and things that I did good on the previous week, and things (goals) to work on for the next week. I think that by doing this, I can break it down into smaller goals and hopefully make myself more accountable!

First let's recap:
 My official starting weight (on July 30) was:::  235.6 lbs.
My weight last week was::: 226.2 lbs
My weight this week is::: 225.0 lbs. I am down 1.2 lbs this week.
I have lost 10.6 lbs since I started!!!! 

I felt pretty good going into my weigh in this morning. I noticed yesterday that my jeans that I had just washed and dried, seemed looser on me than normal! So that is a good thing. I wasn't sure what my weight was going to be as I didn't pay that close of attention to eating as I would have liked this week, with camping and having McDonald's on Sunday night when I was too tired to cook but I also noticed that I am more conscious of how much I am eating and I don't usually pig out like I used to. I will admit that yesterday I did have several little mini candy bars, but that is not an every day thing. I was completely stressed out and it just happened. Another thing I really need to work on it getting more water. I am exhausted at the end of the day and I think that not drinking enough water is one of the culprits; so I will try this week to drink more water. 

Overall, I am extremely happy this week. I have hit the 10 lbs lost mark and that is GREAT for me! Slow and steady wins the race! 

Any words of wisdom? Thoughts? Advice? 
I would love to have all the support I can get!!
If you are trying to lose weight, feel free to tag along on these posts as well! Would love some company on this weight loss journey! 

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