Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Crazy Weather and a Word for the Year

Okay, can I just take a minute and say that weather in Ohio has been CRAZY over the last 24 hours. I saw this meme online yesterday and thought it fit. LOL

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Yesterday morning it was cloudy, calm and seasonal in temperature. Then the sun came out full blast and it warmed up to 60 degrees for a couple hours. 

Then as I was getting ready to go pick Rebecca up from school, the sky got kind of dark and the wind started whipping around (blowing small limbs down and rocking the cars) and it tried to spit some rain.

When we got back home, the sun came back out for a little bit. Then around 5 it got really cloudy and started pouring down rain complete with thunder and lightening and more wind. Then the sun came back out and the winds died down and it cooled down to about 40 degrees.

This morning, it is snowing a little bit and it is COLD (It is currently 28 degrees with a real feel of 10 degrees). (Basically all 4 seasons in a 24 hour period!)It is supposed to stay cold the rest of the this week. Craziness I tell ya!

Now onto another topic all together. I have never really committed to having a word of the year. I don't know why, I just haven't felt like it is something that suits me. I have been preoccupied that it would mean something else for me to add to my plate. However, over the last several weeks I have seen other bloggers post about their words and how it helps them to keep focus. I also have had an overwhelming sense of a certain word that I would love to have my focus in 2019 be. 

What is that word you ask?

Well, I have decided that my focus word for this year will be.....
. defines "simplify" as to make less complex or complicated. That is how I want my life to be. I want it to be less complicated. I want it to be not so full of excess clutter, be that in the physical sense or in the mind sense. I want to be able to enjoy things and not be bogged down by all the excess stuff that does not allow me to have a joyful life... be that clutter, be that mess, be that extra events on the calendar that I don't want on there or that I dread doing. I just want things to be a little more simple. 

What about you? How is the weather where you are? Do you have a word to focus on this year? 


  1. We have A 5 degree high and Saturday will be over 35. No snow but rain and more rain-so odd.

  2. Perfect meme for the weather! We had super warm weather Monday and Tuesday, colder yesterday, and now snow forecast for the weekend. Your word for the year is a great one. I think it fits you perfectly. Hope you have a great weekend, no matter what crazy weather shows up at your door :)
