Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Making cookies

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is the calm before the storm and the first day of Winter. We, like many other areas, are under a winter storm watch for the next few days. Looks like we are going to get a little snow, ice and a LOT of wind. I am pretty sure we will lose power but am praying we don't. Today, the weather was nice. In the low 40s with some sunshine peeking out. 

In regard to the broken oven situation... well, according to our lease, he does not have to repair the oven. It is up to his discretion whether it gets repaired or not. Our next-door neighbor, who is also his tenant, reminded me that her refrigerator died last year, and he refused to fix it or replace it. So, she had to go through rent a center to get one. We are making do. I have an air fryer, a crockpot and the stove top. Just makes it really hard to bake anything. 

Speaking of baking, today we went out to my mom's house to bake some cookies before the winter weather hits tomorrow. My niece and nephew helped make some peanut butter kiss and peanut butter cup cookies. And everyone got involved in making the sugar cookies. (I usually make kolacky and chocolate chip as well, but I just didn't have it in me this year.) So now, we have a ton of cookies to nibble on while we hibernate. (Well, the kids and I. Bill still has to work.)


Well, I am off to watch the Christmas movie, Scrooged, with Bill and the kids. 

It is one of Bill's favorite Christmas movies and he is introducing it to the kids this year.

I hope if you are in the path of this storm, stay safe and warm. Have you made Christmas cookies yet? What is your favorite Christmas cookie? C


  1. That is quite a crew you have working there. Soon, you can give cooking baking over to them. Is the oven in a stove or built in? If you put in a new built-in, can you take it with you? The cookies look delicious. I just like cookies, but not so much sugar cookies. Chocolate is always good, something gooey. I will try to think of a name of a Christmas cookie,,,lol. I am very tired.

    1. I changed an element in an oven once. Is it the element?

    2. Linda, It is the ignitor. And the oven is part of the stove (the stovetop still works). If we do end up getting a new stove/oven, we will take it with us when we move. I love chocolate and peanut butter cookies. Although I also love sugar cookies at Christmas time only!

  2. Oh, the cookies look SO good! That’s one of the best parts of Christmas! I sure hope your landlord agrees to fix the stove. That should be a given if the house came with that stove. Hope y’all are staying warm! The cold is starting to move in here today and I am dreading it!

    1. We are supposed to get the cold, wind and snow starting late tonight. I am NOT looking forward to it at all. Stay safe and warm.

  3. Those cookies all look good and look at all that help! Hopefully, the landlord fixes your stove, seems wrong of them not to do that. If you have to replace it, then it would go with you should you ever move I'd think. We made Norwegian gingerbread cookies a couple days ago. Turns out they aren't all that easy but they did taste good, a Christmas only cookie for sure. Hope you are enjoying your Christmas break!

    1. Norwegian Gingerbread cookies sound good! I hope you are having a good day as well!
