Friday, December 23, 2022

Winter Storm Elliott is here and it's COLD!

Happy Christmas Eve Eve! It is cold outside! Winter Storm Elliott is here.

It showed up overnight with snow, falling temperatures and lots of wind. Ben woke us up around 4AM frightened because of the wind. Unfortunately, Bill had to go to work this morning. I am hoping he made it there fine. Our furnace is having a hard time keeping up with the outside temperature. Right now, it is 64 in the house and the heat is running non-stop. (We have a boiler system for heat, and I absolutely HATE it.) Thankfully, I had bought 2 electric space heaters to use as well. The kids and I are hunkering down in the living room, dressed warmly and covering up with blankets. It is supposed to be even colder tonight, so I told the kids we could have a sleepover in the living room. Benjamin is looking forward to it. 

We are currently watching the 1984 version of A Christmas Carol. Benjamin has been loving the different versions of A Christmas Carol. 

Well, I did find some motivation yesterday. I got all the laundry washed and dried. None of it got folded but that can be done today. Today I also need to wrap the last remaining gifts. I am going to finish watching the movie, and then get some lunch and then fold clothes. Wish me luck getting things done today. 

What are you up to today? Is Winter Storm Elliott affecting you? 


  1. Hello! You are the best mom ever. You make even the coldest storm into something fun! It is extremely cold and windy here in Pennsylvania today. Colder tonight! Enjoy your movie, my friend. Merry Christmas!

  2. We're in Southern Ontario and it is extremely cold and windy here. Merry Christmas, enjoy your movie, we too will also be hibernating!!

  3. I have heard nothing about Elliot! I keep hearing about boilers and have no idea what that is. It is so comfortable in this house that I am barefoot. I do have on a warm nightgown. If the clothes are washed, at least they are clean if there is a power outage. Make a game of folding clothes and add it to chores for the kids. We have had little wind, thankfully. Of course, there is no snow, so that is a good thing. I hope you can stay toasty tonight. Well, maybe it will not be too cold. Be careful with space heaters! I know you will but the mama in me has to warn and

  4. Cold and windy here too. Currently 3 degrees. Brrr! Love reading your updates, always sounds like fun at your house. I love the George C. Scott version of a Christmas Carol you have pictured. I also really like the 1938 version. It's in black and white but I find it to be a slightly funny more light-hearted version. Wishing you and your family a warm, safe and very Merry Christmas!
