Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Winter Concert and gifts

Happy Wednesday evening everyone! Wow what a busy week it has been! I am so tired, but it is part of the season, I guess.


Monday night, we attended Rebecca and Jacob's winter choir concert. It was a beautiful night of music. Both kids did fabulous. Rebecca had 2 solos in some of the high school chorales songs. I look forward to this concert every year. It is amazing to see how the kids grow musically from year to year. Maybe next year, all 3 kids will be in it (we are trying to get Benjamin to take choir next year in middle school).


This week has been all about getting my Christmas shopping done. I wanted to be done before the kids got out for Christmas break. Also, the weather is supposed to get really frigid cold next week. Well, today I picked up what I believe is my last gift that needed bought... a bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey for my dad. Yay me! Although I do need to take the kids to get a gift for their dad, and for each other.  

Speaking of gifts, I received a lovely gift from my coworker. She got me a homemade sloth ornament, a sloth car coaster, a fuzzy pair of socks and a reusable tote bag that folds up. It made me smile.


We also got an orange from one of the produce delivery drivers. 

I only have 2 more days of work this week, then I am off for 16 days! I can't wait. It will be a miracle if we can stay healthy going into break and during break as so many kids are out and hacking and sneezing and there are many staff members out as well. 

Tonight, the kids are writing out Christmas cards for their teachers and will attach them to a full-size Hershey bar. It is just a small token of appreciation for their teachers. I know that a lot of teachers, especially middle school and high school teachers, don't get appreciated as much as they should. So, I hope these little treats bring a smile to their faces. 

Well, I off to rest and listen to some Christmas music, if my kids allow me to! 

Hope everyone has a nice night! 


  1. I certainly hope all of you stay well. Everyone should appreciate a card and a Christmas card! Wear masks!

    1. appreciate a candy bar and a Christmas card...what i meant to type.

    2. Thankfully so far we are all well! I am glad we got through everything with everyone being well.

  2. The concerts this time of year are wonderful. Glad you could enjoy and then soon be on your work break. I'm pretty much done with my shopping too but need to wrap this weekend.

    1. I love the choir concerts. I never thought I would be a choir mom, but it is great!

  3. School concerts are always fun! I hope Ben decides to do choral like the other 2, but everyone has to choose their own path.

    1. Yes, everyone does. One day he says he wants to do choir and then another day he doesn't. We shall see.

  4. Glad you were able to enjoy the concerts! Hey, what about band? Maybe that's an option for him ;) Not a biased band mom over here or anything, LOL. I admit I'm jealous of your break, my preschool goes all next week (ugh,not that I'm working but know I'm likely to get a call or two). Hope you all stay healthy and enjoy a wonderful holiday!

    1. Band is an option as well. We shall see in the Spring when he has to decide if he wants to do anything music related in middle school. I hope you don't have to work too much next week.
