Tuesday, December 6, 2022

St. Nick came and so did sickness

Happy Tuesday everyone! It is rainy and grey and blah here today. Rebecca is home sick from school as she came home yesterday with a low-grade fever and body aches. She never complains about not feeling good, so for her to complain I know she doesn't feel good. She stayed home today and is still dealing with a fever, achiness, the sniffles and a sore throat today. Flu bugs are running rampant in our area, so I am not surprised she is sick, but I HATE when my kids are sick! I am praying that no one else gets it in our house. 

In other news, today is the feast day of St. Nicholas and he came to visit our house. As per tradition, he brought new Christmas ornaments for each of us and some chocolate. This year it was chocolate and white chocolate coins. 

This year the ornaments were: 

A piano ornament for Rebecca.

A Minecraft ornament for Jacob. 

A WWE championship belt ornament for Benjamin.


A Mandalorian ornament for Bill.

And a sea turtle ornament for me from our vacation in North Carolina. 

Not only was I treated to a new ornament today, but I have also gotten a couple of treats from work as well. Yesterday, I went into work to find a poinsettia plant and a Wendy's gift card waiting for me from the PTO. I gave my mom the poinsettia as we have cats and they are highly poisonous to cats. 

There was also a candle waiting for me from one of the substitute food service workers as well. It smells cinnamony and smells so good! 

Today I went into work to find a super comfy Christmas blanket (that Rebecca stole when I got home because she was freezing) and an ornament from "our school family." Both days were very nice surprises. 

Well, I think that's it for today. I have chicken enchiladas in the oven for dinner and am just resting right now while they are cooking. Rebecca is resting in the recliner, Jacob is playing on his phone, and Ben is playing on the Wii. Bill is off at an appointment. Actually, the oven timer just went off so I need to wrap up and take dinner out of the oven.  

Hope everyone is staying healthy. Do you celebrate St. Nick's Day? Have you received any gifts yet this year for Christmas? Have you been sick recently? What are you having for dinner?


  1. I haven't gotten any gifts left. And, no, do not celebrate St. Nick's Day, but it sounds like a great tradition. I like the new ornaments each year. I think dinner was chicken/rice, broccoli casserole leftover for me; chicken, potato, and two other vegetables, all leftovers for Tommy. We both had leftovers.

  2. St Nick's was never part of our tradition, but if the kids reminded me, we did something. This is a hard time for kids to be sick, especially involved kids like Rebecca. Im glad she's listening to her body to get better. You got some nice gifts at work.

  3. Prayers for your girl. Sickness is everywhere! I love your St. Nick tradition! And, sadly, this is the first year in forever my kids at home didn't set out shoes. I love your surprise Christmas gifts from work. I know they are well deserved!
