Sunday, December 4, 2022

Week in Review

Happy Sunday everyone! How has your weekend gone? It has been very busy here with doctor's appointments, basketball starting for Ben, and tech week and performances for a play Rebecca was in. So busy, busy, busy. 

Monday, the kids and I didn't have school as our district took off for the first day of deer gun season. We don't hunt, so it was nice to have an extra day off. That night, Ben began his new season of Upward basketball. (This year Jacob is too old to play as they have capped the grade at 6th grade this year.) He met his coach and fellow teammates, and he is excited to get back to playing.


This week, I had 2 doctor's appointments. I saw my primary care on Wednesday, and she is happy with the medication changes and my increase in energy level, etc. So, I don't have to see her again for 6 months. On Thursday, I saw my cardiologist. He had the results of my echocardiogram, and he said it looks perfect and in fact looked better than was expected. My bridge symptoms are being managed well with my current medication regime, so he doesn't want to see me for a year. All happy news!! I am cautiously optimistic that my health is finally turning a corner towards being back to normal. 

This week was also the beginning of 12 days of Christmas at work. The school that I work at goes all out for Christmas. They decorate the hallways with white Christmas lights, and they only have these lights on during the day. It is pretty magical. 

We also decorated the cafeteria this year, and it turned out really cute. (My coworker said this is the first year in 14 years that she has been there that the cafeteria has been decorated.)

They also have themed days at work for December. Thursday was wear red and green. 
Friday was wear elf ears, reindeer antlers, or something on your head. This is what I wore and the kids loved it! 

This weekend, Rebecca acted in her high school fall drama production. She played a character who had a lot of phobias. She did great! 

Today, we went to church and I have puttered around the house. I did some laundry, cleaned up our master bedroom, made some orange cranberry muffins and some chocolate chip cookies, and just did a few things around the house. This week, I am hoping is a little less busy so that I can get Christmas cards written out and mailed and I am hoping to do some Christmas shopping. I finally got the kids to give me their lists. 

I hope if you are reading this, that you have a great week this week! 



  1. That is really good news on your health. The kids are busy and that's good. Do you work at a private school? I'm surprised if there is so much decorating in a public school.

  2. So great to see an awesome update on your health! Yay! 😁 I know that’s a huge relief and I hope it only gets better from here! The kids have been busy! ‘Tis the season! The school looks amazing! And I love your Christmas hat. Hope you have a great, productive week!

  3. Awesome news on the health! Very happy to hear that, and it must be so reassuring to know you're turning the corner. Same question as Sam about the type of school you work in - now curious to know if it's a public school as well. The decorations look great!

  4. Fantastic news on the medical front!
    Hats off to your school for decorating. They are great!

  5. I am so very happy you got good reports on your health!!!! Yay!!! And you look absolutely lovely in your festive wear! I bet the kids loved it indeed. Have a cozy week, my friend. ANd I love cranberry orange muffins!

  6. Great news on the health front!! I know you've been struggling for so long with getting everything back on track.

    May you continue to improve and be well. 8-)

  7. I'm so happy to hear of the good news for you regarding your health! Love the Christmas hat as well as all the school decorations. Sounds busy over your way. Hope you are having a great week!
