Wednesday, April 6, 2011

E is for.... exercise

As I said yesterday I have been really trying to eat better and exercise more. In the past I have tried exercise classes, exercise videos, walking outside, etc. and have NOT been able to stick with any of it. (That is something that I need to work on!) Since I have started to exercise more, I have found 2 programs that I like (I don't think I will ever LOVE exercise)....

First, I have been using Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD once or twice a week when I need a quick, HARD workout. I tried doing this continuously for 30 days last year and I failed miserably. I gave up on it. I can do it 1-2 times a week and stick to it.  It is a HARD workout and I definitely feel it the next day. She takes you through strength, cardio and abdominal work with no rests.

My primary excercise workout has been my Wii Fit Plus. I like this program as it offers a variety of exercise games ranging from aerobic walking, running and stepping to balance games (which I am not good at! LOL) and strenghth and yoga moves. Personally, I enjoy the biking game, the adding mushroom game, and the step game that I can do while I catch up on my tv watching. I like that it calculates your calories (although I am not sure how accurate it is...). I have been trying to exercise on this at least 4 days a week...aiming for 25-45 minutes averaging between 150-250 calories each time.

Last week while I was on Spring Break, I slacked off on exercising. I NEED to get back into the habit of it (along with my diet).  I need to exercise in order to live each day better.


  1. Wii fit is so much fun to use!

    Froso from Style Nirvana.

  2. I love this A to Z Blogging. I might have to try it out.

    Thanks for following me at Let's Start Saving Now. I am returning the favor.


  3. Thanks for stopping by Emma's Lunch! I'm your newest follower :)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Following Back! Great Blog!
