Thursday, January 19, 2023

5 Random Things

Happy Thursday everyone! 

It's time once again for a day of randomness. Here are five random things from this past week. 


Rebecca has started getting college information mail. In the past 2 days she has gotten 6 different letters. She is like "I am only a sophmore." It is a moment in her life though. Before we know it, it will be time for her to start applying. I wish time would slow down. 


I had to go buy Jacob a new pair of tennis shoes. He told me on last Thursday that he had a hole in the side of his tennis shoes (the ones that he got for his birthday, meaning they lasted 2 months!). I got him a new pair and they are Men's size 10! That means that Jacob's foot is now officially larger than mine. He is only 13! 


The decluttering has been going strong this week. I took about 5 minutes and cleaned out our cups cupboard. I put all of these cups in a donate box. I took a big box from work and left it next to our door and am putting things in it as I think about it. As of this morning that box is almost full. Rebecca went through a few of her clothes and added a good size amount to the box along with other odds and ends that I ended up donating.  


Ben continues with his Upward season. He is #35. He has scored a basket in both of his first 2 games. He loves playing! 


Gus and Gronk have been extra affectionate lately. They love laying on my bed especially when I have it made. The other night, Gronk laid next to me and kept putting his head on my hand demanding pets. I fell asleep petting him and Bill said he came in to find Gronk curled up next to me asleep and I was asleep.

What's been going on in your world this week? 


  1. Oh just wait on that college mail, more will be coming her way. Especially if she takes the ACT or SAT, whichever it is in your part of the country, then it starts just pouring in. Good for you on the decluttering. I have boxes to take but the weather isn't cooperating yet. Been kind of a slow week here after working on Tuesday but I'm okay with it. Just need to clean the house a bit today. Happy almost the weekend!

    1. This was just after she took the PSAT. I am hoping to have more boxes ready for Bill to take the Goodwill on Sunday. Maybe, if I can get some things done this weekend depending on my back.

  2. Have Rebecca start asking her guidance counselors and teachers (or if they have a specific scholarship person) about sophomore/junior scholarships now (don't do the big-website online ones, those aren't worth the time...but local, through the school ones definitely are). There are usually quite a few available, and the competition for them is minimal since no one thinks about scholarships until senior year. Have her fill out applications to any and all that she even remotely qualifies for. If she doesn't fit some requirement, just leave that part blank. Don't lie on it, but fill the rest of it out regardless. I received SOOO many scholarships simply because I was the only one that applied (I did have stellar grades, and extra curriculars, but it sounds like Rebecca does too). Also check with your bank and local credit unions....sometimes you have to have an account with them for a year, so look into setting a few up so she can apply when she qualifies...they especially love students that are involved in the communities - and her choir activities should boost that. Good luck!

  3. when our two went to University they went the same year despite them being a school year apart. We had grade 13 at the time and son was in Grade 13 and daughter was in Grade 12. The government got rid of grade 13, so off they went. It was a shock to my system that was sure to go from a household of 4 to, two overnight. Son applied and got scholarships. Funny thing was, he got his sister to write the applications, as he sucked at writing those sort of things at the time. By the time she had done this a few times, she started charging him!!! I agree with JP, do as much as you can, as early as you can.

    1. I will have her do as much as she can early. Thanks for the advice.

  4. My son finally wore a size 16 shoe when his feet quit growing. And, early on his feet were large. When he was born, his feet were like a slab of meat, nothing delicate and baby-like with his feet.
    It was such a short time ago that she was just a little girl!
