Thursday, January 26, 2023


Happy Thursday everyone!

Last weekend I was feeling kind of down, so went on social media and ended up going down a rabbit hole of looking at paranormal videos and ghost sightings. Before I go further, please know that I do believe in ghosts and have encountered a few in my own life. That being said, I find it fascinating and kind of freaky at the same time. 

Well, on Saturday and Sunday, I found myself passing time by going down the rabbit hole that is Facebook reels. Several of the ones that I watched involved a TikTok app called AI Manga. This is a filter that turns your home or wherever you point your phone into an anime scene, including turning you into an anime character. Well, apparently in December 2022, they added a feature that would detect ghosts/ paranormal activity in your home, etc. 

Well, I don't have TikTok, but Rebecca does. I asked her about the app, and she had it on her account. So, we decided to do some ghost hunting in our home. 

Well, the first area we did was a corner of our living room, where I have an exercise bike and there is a window. Usually, there is a draft there and often as a baby Ben used to stare at the steps like he was seeing something there. This is a picture of the corner taken with no filter...

And here is that corner taken with the AI Manga filter (this is a screenshot from Rebecca's phone)...

There was no one standing near the window. The anime person on the right side is Bill who was sitting in the recliner. I will admit I gasped when I saw the photo as I really wasn't expecting to see anything. It was freaky. The boys were especially freaked out. 

After they went to bed, I decided to go through the rest of the downstairs to see if it picked anything up. Apparently, we have ghosts in our mudroom/pantry, bathroom and near our desk and going into our basement. 

My brain is saying that this is just a computer effect, but I think it is pretty freaky but cool. 

If you have read to this point, maybe you think I have lost my marbles. I know, when I was explaining to Rebecca how I went down the rabbit hole of paranormal, she asked if I was feeling okay. LOL. I do say that though that I think there is some truth to this filter. I have had experiences with seeing the ghost of my grandmother's 1st husband who died before I was born, hearing the chimes of a former railroad engineer working on the railroad outside of my friend's home, etc. 

What about you? Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever had an encounter with a ghost? Ever used a filter like the AI Manga? 


  1. I am such a big chicken that I'm over here going HOW did any of you sleep at all after that? I'd have had every light in the house on. It's not that I don't believe in ghosts but I try very hard not dwell. I think more in terms of guardian angels (my poor angels probably have to work overtime) and the relatives who look out for us after they've passed and sometimes leave/send us little signs. And that they guide us when it's time. My dad had me pick up a dime that wasn't on the floor when he was sick/passing away and now I often find dimes in odd places. And my sister said the whole bedroom smelled of my late aunt's face cream after my dad passed. More things like that, too many to share in a comment. However, no filter for me, I need my rest! :)

    1. I refused to use the filter in the upstairs, including in our bedroom. 😂 That is how I slept. I find it fascinating. I have had similar instances of smelling something from the past like cigar smoke, etc when no one was around.

  2. No, I don't believe in ghosts. I do enjoy reading about paranormal, though, and love nothing more than a stroll though an old cemetery. In my teens, a friend and I went to a presentation at the local college by (IIRC) Ed and Lorraine Warren. It was a bit spooky, but I kept thinking "This is silly, this is really silly. Why is the college hosting this?"

    1. When I lived on Denison's campus in college, my dorm was right next to the cemetery and unlike most of my classmates, I never felt afraid in the cemetery.

  3. Oh my gosh! That is wild, Rachel. I believe there are some weird things we can’t explain and this is one of them. Fascinating!

  4. I believe there's entities that may or may not be with us. My last house was 'blessed' by a Catholic priest to make my mother happy...and yes there's a story behind that!

  5. Well Rachel, the stories I could tell you about the houses we've lived in before hahahaha I do believe in spirits, I've had my encounters, mainly when I was growing up. It seemed to be just the women in the family that ever saw anything or had any kind of experiences. I have documented some on my blog. It's crazy.

    1. I will have to look back on your blog for those experiences. Sounds fascinating. Now that I think about it, other than an experience where a door fell on Bill and then I saw a woman going down the stairs, all of the experiences I know of happened to women. That is interesting now that I think about it.

  6. No, I do not believe in ghosts or any supernatural entities. I love your daughter's question. Are you feeling okay?

    1. Yes, I am fine. LOL I just find the whole paranormal things fascinating.

  7. What is the screen in the window? The filter / face recognition could have picked up on something on that screen, or even a reflection in the window. I do like a good creepy paranormal story but I don't think I believe in it in real life. The one possible experience I've had was when I was a kid, but it also has other sensible explanations.
