Friday, January 6, 2023

Proud Mom Moment

 Happy Friday everyone! We made it to Friday! YAHOO!! 

I wanted to hop on here really quick and share a very proud mom moment that I experienced with Ben. 

As most of you know, we are big football fans here. We usually have football on most Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays during the football season, be it college or NFL. Well, we were watching the Bengals versus Bills game on Monday night and witnessed the hit that hurt Bills player Damar Hamlin. We watched as they worked on him on the field and when they broke the news that they had to do CPR on him on the field. It was a very scary situation, and the kids were deeply affected by it. The boys were very upset. Since then, we have been closely following updates about Hamlin, which so far have been nothing short of a miracle. 

Well, Tuesday night we were talking as a family about the injured Hamlin and his charity was brought up. It raises money to provide toys and clothes to underprivileged kids. Ben, with no hesitation, asked if he can donate to the charity. We, of course, said yes he could. So, he went to his piggy bank and got all his money and counted it out. Bill asked how much he wanted to give, and he said "all of it."

As Bill tucked him into bed that night, he asked if there were any chores he could do to make money. Bill figured he wanted to make his money back, so he told Ben that he would ask me. Then Ben quickly added "because I want to donate more." 😍😍😍

So last night, with Ben watching me make the donation online, Hamlin's Chasing M's Foundation is $12.10 richer.

I can't tell you how proud I am of Ben and his generosity. He really does have a kind soul.

I hope everyone has a good Friday!


  1. What fine, compassionate children you are raising!

  2. Oh my goodness. This is just like the parable of the widow's mite. You should be beyond proud of Ben! If you ever have any future parenting struggles or doubts look back on this day!

  3. Great job, and great parenting. Learning empathy and acting on it are two significant lessons.

  4. Aww. Ben is just precious! Bless his generous heart! ♥️

  5. You should proud! Such a compassionate gesture. Go Ben! (We were watching that game too and it was extremely emotional.)

  6. What a kind and generous thing to do. I love that he wanted to earn more to donate more. I wasn't watching the beginning of the game but when I went upstairs my husband was quite shaken up over it all. So thankful for that he is recovering, so scary.

  7. What a sweet and kind boy you have. ♥
