Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Goals for 2018


New year, new me? Maybe. Hopefully. As the calendar pages turned to 2018, I was thinking about things that I want to focus on in 2018. 2017 honestly was kind of a weird year in that I would focus on something, but then fall off to the wayside. I just never really could focus on one thing for very long. I am hoping to change that in 2018. I am going to focus back to the basics and to focus on me and our family. So without further ado, here are my goals for 2018::
  • No fast food for the year. The only exception for this will be if we are traveling on a vacation or if the kids request this as their birthday dinner.
  • Give up pop. I have gotten into a very bad habit of drinking pop and I have had at least one kidney stone this year. I am pretty sure that I have been dealing with one the last week as well. I feel bloated most of the time and think that this is due to the amount of pop that I have been drinking.
  • Lose 40 pounds. I MUST do this. My health needs to be my priority this year. I am not getting any younger and I need to make sure that as I approach 40 that I am in better shape.
  • Walk at least 3 days a week. This was hard in 2017 as I would get into a rhythm, then with the weather change and I started babysitting and I did not have time at all to walk. I feel so much better when I get outside so I am going to try for 3 days at the minimum.
  • Read 24 books. I really love to read and I find that I would read more however the lure of electronics is strong and I have been laying in bed playing "Blast" solitaire on my tablet instead of reading before sleeping. I will stop doing this and will start reading instead. I hope to bring back my what I read this month blog posts.
  • Declutter 500 items from our home. We have way too much stuff.  There is just no getting past that we need to get rid of stuff. 500 items is on average about 42 items a month. I can do that.
  • Go on a family vacation with Bill and the kids.
  • Have at least one date time with Bill each week-- be that a walk together, lunch out, date night in, watching a movie, etc.
  • Try 24 new recipes.
  • Deep clean and declutter each room in our house
So there you have it. 10 goals that I would like to accomplish. There are some other goals that I would like to see happen but they are kind of out of my control....these include Bill getting a better paying/ more stable job, moving to a different house, etc. We shall see what this year will bring! 


  1. Great goals! I was just thinking how I need to stop drinking the pop again as well. We have quite a bit lurking around still from the holidays, I was just telling the boys that once school started again, the pop buying (from me) would stop. By the way, I did find at one point that drinking Emergen-C helped when I had a strong craving for something carbonated. I think you can do everything you listed this year :)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! I will have to keep that in mind about the Emergen-C. I don't know that it is really the carbonation or the sugar/caffeine that I like from pop. Hopefully I can do it!

  2. I love diet coke and just stopped cold turkey, only way. That would help with your weight too if you drink regular pop. Good luck with your goals.

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I am thinking that it will be a positive with my weight as well, as I have gotten in the habit of drinking regular Coke over the last month or so-- and I have gained weight. :(

  3. I gave up soda a few years ago, and have no regrets. :-) I occasionally have a sparkling flavored (no sugar, no caffeine, no sweetner) water at work when I want something sparkling. I'm with you on the need to focus on health. It's hard, but I've done it before & need to make it a top priority. You've got this!

    1. Focusing on your own health is hard when you are dealing with everything that a mom/wife/employee/etc. has to deal with, but I need to do this. Good luck on your own journey!

  4. Looks like a good list!
    I can join you in almost all!
    I need to drink more water...that is tough for me!
    And walking!
    Have a cozy evening. : )

    1. Thanks Billie Jo! New Year's Day it wasn't too bad drinking water. Tonight it has been a chore, lol.

  5. good luck Rachel. I will root for you in all goals, and perhaps we can keep encouraging each other with the weight loss goals.
